Songs Answer questions! 1. Death bed • The singer is powfu • Don't stay awake for too long Don't go to bed I'll make a cup of coffee for your head I'll get you up and going out of bed (yeah, ayy) And I, don't stay awake for too long Don't go to bed I'll make a cup of coffee for your head I'll get you up and going out of bed (ayy, yeah) • because the song is about the spirit of life • he told me about life that kept going forward he should not be lazy and always think of the past because all will have their respective families • it's a pop song 2. Sunday Best • The singer is surfaces • Feeling good, like I should Went and took a walk around the neighborhood Feeling blessed, never stressed Got that sunshine on my Sunday best Every day can be a better day despite the challenge All you gotta do is leave it better than you found it It's gonna get difficult to stand but hold your balance I just say whatever 'c...
Menampilkan postingan dari April, 2020
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DAMPAK COVID-19 TERHADAP PEREKONOMIAN DAN SOLUSINYA Penyebaran virus covid-19 yang dihadapi masyarakat dunia kali ini memang benar-benar menyusahkan. Krisis ekonomi yang dihadapi juga tidak main-main. Segala aktivitas diliburkan sehingga tidak Ada pemasukan, dan kebutuhan yang harus dipenuhi untuk menjaga diri kita meningkat harganya. Salah satu penyebab virus corona mudah menyebar di Indonesia adalah karena Indonesia merupakan negara dengan Sektor pariwisata. Sektor pariwisata merupakan salah satu faktor yang berperan penting dalam pertumbuhan perekonomian Indonesia dan memiliki kontribusi devisa terbesar kedua di Indonesia setelah devisa hasil ekspor Kelapa Sawit. Internasional Monetary Fund (IMF) menyatakan saat ini ekonomi global mengalami krisis akibat pandemi virus corona. Indeks bursa saham rontok. Data IHSG turun 1,3%, rupiah terperosok terhadap dolar Amerika Serikat menembus 17 ribu, terjadi outflow yang mencapai ratusan triliun per bulan Maret, dan sektor ri...
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#dirumahaja Study home Corona virus is a virus that attacks the human body. This virus causes interference with the acute pneumonia system until it dies. This virus can attack without age. Corona virus is also called covid-19, and was first discovered in Wuhan, China. And then spread very quickly to other countries like Indonesia. The government has set a 14-day stay if the government is worried it will affect many people in Indonesia. . . But this holiday was not as pleasant as when I was happy at first, I thought it was nothing and the reality of the task doubled as much as before, but it was my duty. as a student. During my 19 day break I always helped my parents clean the house and study.